[Memorack] That led to Cabbie telling people about why he can't be in it on ''the boards'' so Joey Boots already knows that he's going to be out of it because Cabbie isn't part of it.

Mirabel krdkz at usadatanet.net
Sun Apr 8 10:02:22 CEST 2007

She said she's been calling in constantly telling Gary that Howard told her to call in and he doesn't remember ever doing that. He had quite a bit written down but his 30 seconds were up and he kept talking. It's unhealthy thinking according to them.
King Of All Blacks Call And More Artie Discussions.
Howard had another clip where Riley was trying to sell a caller one of his Symbols.
Howard said there was an article in Blender magazine where they talk about why James Brown was a great man.
She said she does but she won't date them.
Howard said it sounds like it might be an interesting movie. Howard asked George if he's sad that he and Brad didn't adopt.
Howard told everyone to go to HowardStern. Howard asked him if he was on meds or something.
8:40am Howard got in a plug for Cylaris weight loss which is the sponsor of the Battle of the Blobs contest. Cabbie said that he did agree not to bring it up but he knows that Gary told Joey Boots that he was doing that so he wasn't going to be part of that whole thing. Wack Pack Feedback And Other Various Stuff. '' Howard played some of that one as well.
He said Ashcroft sent a letter to the Attorney General talking about how wrong he thought this merger was a bad idea. 8:55am Howard said he had some girls there to promote this product Fever Drink.
He told her this was dumb to call in and not be able to talk about it. 8:00am Cabbie Causing Controversy Again.
He hand writes them all and Howard said he writes the way he talks.
He said that would be like Eric calling in to tell him a story about something great that had happened to him and then telling him he can't talk about it. George talked about Howard's engagement to Beth and the nice ring he got her. She doesn't really have time to date guys but she's fine with just being with herself. In one clip Tyra was bragging about being the first black woman on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
She ran down the list of things he orders sometimes. He played the ''Wack Pack Feedback'' bit that Sal put together. He told him to get a symbol for himself and for his family. Howard had Fred answer as John instead.
6:50am Lisa G's Howard 100 News Preview. 6:10am Robin mentioned that Artie wasn't there so Howard said he is kind of worried about that. The urine tests have to be done within 48 hours.
He said he couldn't even beat off to her. Robin said she thinks it was West Africa and George agreed.
Double A asked him if he got wood while working with them. He said he went down to L. Howard went through that quickly but said he wanted to play a bunch of other clips he had. George said it's a brave thing to do. It's supposed to make men or women horny.
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